Tunisian republic
Ministry of Interior
Mahres Municipality
City of Mahres / City in numbers


Area: 44,565 hectares

Population: 34 257 habitants according to statistics from the National Statistics Institute for 2014

Number of Units: 12 190

Number of families: 8311

The commune creation date is February 21, 1921

Parliamentary and municipal life: 5 years

The number of council members: 24 members (according to electoral code)

Specificity of geographical location (Coast - Desert – mountain...)

Distance to the capital "Tunisia": 300 km

Fine municipal sector area: 44 565 hectares

Area dedicated to urban creation: 895 hectares of the region area

 Public services:

  • Public lighting (the number of lanterns): 1500 light points
  • Sanitation: 80% of real estate
  • Paved roads: 45 km
  • Sidewalks: 150.500 m 2
  • Afforestation and green space: 15,54 m 2 per inhabitant​